November 2017

Vol. 100, No. 11

“Provide for the common defense”—these five words from the Preamble to the Constitution highlight the priority our nation places on defending its security and citizens. In today’s global environment of armed conflict, terror, intimidation and instability, aerospace power has emerged...
Top Air Force and DOD leaders warn that the nation’s defense apparatus is imperiled by congressional i

The Technology Exposition

AFA’s 2017 Air, Space & Cyber Conference was the best-attended yet, beating last year’s attendance figures by more than 1,000 people and boasting many more exhibitors, as well.

Air Force Association Almanac

A compendium of facts and figures about the Air Force Association. This article is only available in PDF format. Read the article.

Chapter News

This article is only available in PDF format. Read the article.

SPECIAL EDITION: 2017 Air, Space, & Cyber Conference

This digital edition provides you the most in-depth coverage of ASC17, from an analysis of Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis’ keynote address to the conference expo, showcasing a fullsize model of a T-X trainer, among much more.