National decisions are felt acutely at the local level.
The Air Force continues to refine its skills, presence, and infrastructure at Bagram Airfield—and thro
Electronic attack, the Air Force’s orphan mission, is regaining prominence.
The Air Force is going back to basics for deployments, but the changes will have to wait for an Afghan
The Air Force hopes an adaptive engine can give fighters new gains in performance and efficiency.
The legendary fighters had their share of quirks and teething pains.
The USAF Weapons School provides the skills that keep the Air Force the world’s best.
The goal was to take advantage of good weather and proximity to the Romanian oil fields. Fifteenth Air
The new US Embassy in Moscow was half done. Then officials realized the Soviets had built hundreds of
The Air Force Outstanding Airman program annually recognizes 12 enlisted members.
The ill-fated Big Three summit is bigger in symbolic meaning than it was in actual achievement.
“So many Russians! Where will we bury them all?”
India and Pakistan’s mid-1999 war is almost forgotten in the West, but was the highest-elevation confl
Air force Magazine’s annual pictorial directory of Air Force leadership.
A compendium of facts and figures about the Air Force Association. This article is only available in PDF format. Read the article.
Time for USAF to blow its horn; Will Welsh change the formula?; Acquisition disappointments; Sponsored
Welsh Becomes Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III succeeded Gen. Norton A. Schwartz on Aug. 10, becoming the 20th Chief of Staff of the Air Force, after the Senate lifted a hold on his nomination two weeks before....
Farewell Assessment “We have more backup [nuclear weapon] systems … than we actually have deployed. Some of that is a reasonable hedge, [but] there is probably room for reductions.”—Gen. Norton A. Schwartz, USAF (Ret.), former Chief of Staff of the...
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“Oxford Union Speech” Caspar W. Weinberger, Secretary of Defense University of Oxford, England Feb. 27, 1984 FULL TEXT VERSION The Oxford Union is a debating society at the renowned British university. In an infamous 1933 case, it voted 275-to-153 for...
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This article is only available in PDF format. Read the article.
Remember Space and Cyber In “A Force Rebalanced” (July 2012) [p. 28], Executive Editor John Tirpak does a masterful job of describing how and why our air domain forces must be modernized. However, in slightly over 3,000 words discussing our...
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Coffee Talk Air Force Association Chairman of the Board S. Sanford Schlitt headed to Alaska in July, at the invitation of Alaska State President Harry Cook and former AFA National Treasurer Steven R. Lundgren. Cook and Lundgren, both members of...