December 2008
Vol. 91, No. 12
Highlights from the December 2008 Issue
Losing Air Dominance
High Stress Numbers Game
Focused Lethality
Armed Overwatch
McGuire Means Mobility
Rendezvous With the Rex
Up From “Flying Club”
Forceful “Argument”
Washington Watch
On Military Health Care
Air Force World
Action in Congress
C-119 Flying Boxcar
A Flagging Nuclear Enterprise””
AFA National Report
Complete Contents of December 2008 PDF
PDF Downloads are an Air & Space Forces Association member benefit.Air Supremacy in a Downdraft
The Air Force brand of air dominance has been around quite a while, so long that many now view it as a birthright.
Losing Air Dominance
The Gulf War was a turning point of a negative kind. It's been downhill from ther9e
High Stress Numbers Game
Demand is high. Systems and forces are few. How will the Air Force square the circle?
Focused Lethality
USAF seeks weapons with less boom but more precision and flexibility.
Armed Overwatch
In recent years, close air support has undergone something like a revolution
McGuire Means Mobility
The 305th Air Mobility Wing's thousands of airmen keep the airlifters and tankers in constant motion.
Rendezvous With the Rex
They buc.1:ed storm after storm, and turbulenc9 tossed them around, but the lead navigator was Curtis LeMay.
Up From 'Flying Club"
In the beginning, the Air Guard got no respect. Then along came Winston Wilson.
Forceful "Argument"
In the famous "Big Week" bombing campaign, America's crushing advantage was leadership.