The 509th Bomb Wing at Whiteman AFB, Mo., successfully completed a nine-day nuclear surety inspection, announced wing officials. Air Force Global Strike Command inspectors thoroughly evaluated the wing’s ability to carry out its nuclear mission with its B-2 stealth bombers. They scrutinized the unit’s operations in 14 key areas like security, logistics movement, safety, and maintenance facilities. The wing passed the non-forgiving inspection, which is graded on a pass-fail basis, with 143 airmen recognized either as superior performers or members of superior teams. “We passed this inspection due to the quality and dedication of our airmen,” said Brig. Gen. Scott Vander Hamm, wing commander. He added: “I couldn’t be more proud.” Vander Hamm said the wing’s job is “to be ready at a moment’s notice” to carry out the nuclear mission. “We’ve proven again that we are ready. Let this be an assurance to our allies and a deterrent to our enemies,” he said. The inspection took place in late January. The wing announced the results just this month. (Whiteman report by 1st Lt. Rachel Savage)
Maj. Gen. Larry Broadwell, deputy commander of the 16th Air Force, used an elaborate, sports-themed analogy for understanding information warfare at the AFA Warfare Symposium.