Whiteman Active Association Takes Shape

More than 100 Active Duty airmen are beginning to integrate into Air Force Reserve Command’s 442nd Fighter Wing at Whiteman AFB, Mo., according to a wing release. This task is part of the establishment of an active association there with the wing, an A-10 unit. “There is a synergy with this setup: We get full-time manpower, which will help with our high operations tempo and deployments,” said Col. Gregory Eckfeld, 442nd FW vice commander. “The Active Duty airmen get the benefit of our experienced Reservists, who will help train and season their pilots and maintainers.” The Air Force first announced this new teaming arrangement last November; it’s one of several new active associations with AFRC units. Under this set-up, the Reserve unit owns the assets and the Active Duty personnel help to operate and maintain them. The Active Duty commander will take day-to-day operational direction from 442nd FW boss Brig. Gen. Eric Overturf, according to the wing’s May 22 release. (Whiteman report by SrA. Wesley Wright)