F-16Cs from Misawa AB, Japan, are pounding targets on the nearby Draughon Range in Exercise Diesel Weasel. The 14th Fighter Squadron’s Falcons are simulating convoy-escort sorties and close air support missions that are directed by tactical air control party members deployed from Ft. Hood, Tex. “The TACPs provide capabilities that we can’t simulate and it has been great to have them out here,” said Capt. Colin Marshall, 14th FS assistant weapons flight commander. “Working with them now gives us the training and experience we need to hit the ground running,” he added. “The pilots are benefitting by talking to personnel on the ground and practicing the tactics we’ll use when we deploy,” summed Marshall. Diesel Weasel runs from April 30 to May 17. (Misawa report by A1C Kaleb Snay)
Maj. Gen. Larry Broadwell, deputy commander of the 16th Air Force, used an elaborate, sports-themed analogy for understanding information warfare at the AFA Warfare Symposium.