Paveway III is a laser guided free-fall bomb for use against surface targets from medium standoff range.
The third-generation laser guided seeker/tail kit package enables greater precision over Paveway II, and its high-lift airframe enables longer glide slopes for greater standoff employment. It can be dropped from low, medium, or high altitude and is effective against a broad range of high-value targets.
GBU-24 is fitted to a 2,000-lb bomb body, with a BLU-109 penetrating warhead. GBU-28 variants are large 5,000-lb class air-to-ground penetrators initially developed for use against Iraq’s deeply buried, hardened C2 facilities.
The GBU-28B adds GPS/INS guidance to the existing laser seeker for all-weather targeting. It entered production in 1999. The GBU-28C adds a more powerful penetrating BLU-122 warhead in addition to the enhanced guidance package.
It entered production in 2005, and quantities are purchased as needed to replenish and maintain stockpiles.
Contractors: Raytheon.
First Flight: Early-1980s (GBU-24); Feb. 24, 1991 (GBU-28).
IOC: 1986 (GBU-24); 1991 (GBU-28).
Active Variants: •GBU-24. Laser guided 2,000-lb penetrating bomb. •GBU-28B/B. Laser/GPS/INS guided 5,000-lb penetrating bomb. •GBU-28C/B. Laser/GPS/INS guided 5,000-lb improved penetrating bomb.
Dimensions: Span 6.7 ft, length 14.4 ft, diameter 18 in (GBU-24); length approx. 20 ft, diameter 15 in (GBU-28).
Performance: Range more than 11 miles (GBU-24); range more than 5.75 miles (GBU-28).
Guidance: Semi-active laser.
Warhead: BLU-109 2,000-lb bomb (GBU-24); BLU-113 or BLU-122 5,000- lb bombs (GBU-28).
Integration: B-52, F-15E, F-16C/D (GBU-24); B-2A, B-52, F-15E (GBU-28).