Specialists in the Pentagon’s Wounded Warrior Care and Transition Policy Office have developed a “career decision toolkit” for the many thousands of airmen, marines, sailors, and soldiers who separate from the military each year. It is designed to help each individual transition more easily into the civilian workforce. “One of the things I know, because I work with younger servicemembers, is that they don’t realize how valuable they are,” said John Campbell, the deputy undersecretary who heads the office. The toolkit includes a CD and supporting documents to help the individual write a narrative of his experiences and translate them into the skills needed for the job for which he is applying. It also includes information on job interviews, resumes, and cover letters, and negotiating pay and benefits. It also has special sections for wounded warriors. (AFPS report by Lisa Daniel)
To make the best use of the technological advantage offered by America’s economy, the U.S. military doesn’t need squadrons of coders writing programs—it needs a “software literate” workforce that knows the right questions to ask of technology contractors, according to a new report from a blue ribbon commission of current…