South Korea launched a rocket on Wednesday that reportedly put a scientific satellite in orbit, marking the first time that the country has successfully placed a satellite in space from its own territory, reported the Los Angeles Times. This makes South Korea the 13th nation with this capability, according to the Times’ Jan. 30 report. The Naro launch vehicle blasted off about 4:00 p.m. South Korea time from a space center in Jeolla on the country’s southwestern coast. South Korea has heretofore relied on other nations to place its satellites in orbit. Its previous two attempts to place a satellite in orbit from its territory—the first in 2009 and the second in 2010—both failed, reported Reuters (via NBC News). South Korea’s launch success comes on the heels of North Korea’s mid-December launch of an Unha-3 rocket that also reportedly succeeded in orbiting a small-sized satellite, the first such success for the communist nation.
While U.S. defense officials have spent much of the past decade warning that China is the nation’s pacing threat and its People’s Liberation Army represents an urgent threat in the Indo-Pacific, several defense researchers are skeptical that the PLA has the human capital, the structural ability, or the political appetite…