Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Stephen W. “Seve” Wilson says teleworking may be here to stay for a large portion of the Air Force population even after the COVID-19 pandemic is over. Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass said the service ...
The new AIr and Space Expeditionary Force will see airmen doing multiple specialties, deploying in groups instead of as individuals, and going less frequently to built-up bases and more often to austere locations, Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. said in a September ...
Air Force Special Operations Command’s review of valor awards for possible upgrades, including potentially to the Medal of Honor and Air Force Cross, is still ongoing, though it is “winding down,” with a handful of cases still under review. A Defense Department-wide review of valor ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people around the world work, travel, and live. The U.S. Air Force and U.S. Space Force are no different. When the threat of the virus became clear, leaders throughout the Department of the Air Force sprung into action ...
The Air Force will not resume physical fitness testing across the service until at least Jan. 1, 2021, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the military, top service leaders announced. The service early in the pandemic suspended PT testing, and repeatedly delayed resumption until ...
When the Space Force’s first seven enlisted recruits head to Basic Military Training next month, they will become the guinea pigs in one of many experiments underway in the new service aimed at building a better armed force. The service is embarking on a series ...
The Air Force is already flying a Next Generation Air Dominance combat airplane, which was designed and prototyped using new digital methods, service acquisition executive Will Roper said Sept. 15. The revelation was meant to assure people that the new approach works, works quickly, and ...