The Air Force’s intelligence and cyber operations branch will soon roll out a diversity and inclusion strategy to strengthen that workforce and the quality of their analyses. “Diversity, equity, inclusion are critical to our success going forward. It's a national security imperative; it's in the ...
The Air Force is revamping evaluations for Airmen in grades E-7 through E-9 and O-1 through O-6 and establishing Airman Leadership Qualities on which each will be graded, the service announced on Feb. 2. These ALQs make up the backbone of a new, as-of-now optional, ...
It’s too soon to tell whether the Air Force will delay mandatory physical fitness testing past April, Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass told Airmen during a Feb. 1 Facebook town hall. Bass said she expects the service will examine the ...
The U.S. Air Force Academy has kicked out students and reprimanded others after nearly 250 cadets were suspected of using online learning to cheat on tests and plagiarize assignments last spring. “Infractions ranged from failing to properly cite sources, to using unauthorized online tutoring websites ...
A new Air Force Recruiting Service program will deploy USAF and Space Force generals as ambassadors for their services to help underrepresented youth envision a future for themselves in the Total Force. The “GO Inspire” program, which launched Jan. 1, will match general officers “with ...
The Department of the Air Force recently rolled out two policy changes aimed at holding commanders more accountable for climate-related deficiencies and disciplinary equity within their units. The first requires commanders with low diversity and inclusion-related scores to develop a plan to remedy those shortcomings. ...
The nonprofit Blue Star Families on Dec. 16 debuted a million-dollar Racial Equity Initiative to diversify the military- and veteran-service organization communities and ensure that military families of color feel connected, included, and as though they belong.
The Air Force Weapons School has recognized Capt. Woodruff “Thunder” Johnson, an F-15E Weapons Officer assigned to the 494th Fighter Squadron at RAF Lakenheath, U.K., with its 2020 Robbie Risner Award. The annual award—whose namesake, Brig. Gen. James Robinson “Robbie” Risner, was the first living ...
Col. Andrew J. Campbell, commander of the 374th Airlift Wing, declared a public health emergency at Yokota Air Base, Japan, on Dec. 16, and rolled out an extensive set of mandatory COVID-19 mitigation measures for U.S. and host-nation personnel—including mandatory contact-tracing for U.S. troops, DOD ...
As Air Force Materiel Command makes changes to speed up how it buys, tests, and sustains weapon systems, the command is also overhauling its personnel practices to ensure its Airmen face fewer career hurdles and can succeed, the command’s boss said. AFMC is overhauling its ...
The Department of the Air Force on Dec. 10 announced which Air Force Specialty Codes will be included in the fiscal 2021 Selective Retention Bonus program. The SRB program aims to keep experienced Air Force and Space Force troops in career fields that are undermanned ...
Airmen and Space Professionals don't have to take their fitness assessments until April 2021 as a result of COVID-19, and the Department of the Air Force has empowered commanders to push those tests even further if necessary, according to a Dec. 7 release. When testing ...