Michèle A. Flournoy, the former under secretary of defense for policy, has emerged as the frontrunner to take over as Defense Secretary once the presumptive President-elect Joe Biden takes office in January. If nominated and confirmed, she would lead a Pentagon facing down either flat ...
The Air Force’s C-130 fleets have again caught the eye of congressional lawmakers, who asked for more information on the future of those aircraft in a version of the fiscal 2021 defense spending bill. Senate appropriators want the Air Force Secretary to send Capitol Hill ...
The Senate Appropriations Committee wants to keep a closer eye on the Pentagon’s most expensive weapons program. Lawmakers added multiple provisions to the committee’s version of the fiscal 2021 defense spending bill that call for more reports on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, as well ...
Gen. David W. Allvin received his fourth star and took over as the service’s new vice chief of staff on Nov. 12. Allvin, who previously served as the director for strategy, plans, and policy for the Joint Staff, takes over as the Air Force’s No. ...
The Air Force’s next massive force networking demonstration will focus on protecting troops in Europe from incoming missiles and other airborne threats, the service said in a recent notice. The fourth Advanced Battle Management System exercise, slated for February 2021, will pull data from next-generation ...
Pilot error and a series of ejection seat malfunctions led to a fatal F-16CM crash at Shaw Air Force Base, S.C., in June, accident investigators said in a new report released Nov. 9. “This accident is a tragic reminder of the inherent risks of fighter ...
New Space Force guidance directs the service to create entities like a National Space Intelligence Center, begins to set benchmarks for improving the force, and offers insight into future operations. Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond rolled out the planning document Nov. ...
The 31st Fighter Wing's embrace of dynamic force employment—a type of concept of operations that emphasizes quick deployments and multirole Airmen—will transform various aspects of how Airmen based out of Aviano Air Base, Italy, do business, its commander said during a virtual all-call on Nov. ...
One of the Air Force’s main rescue bases received USAF's first two HH-60W Jolly Green II helicopters. The 23rd Wing and 347th Rescue Group received the next-generation rescue helicopters, which will replace the HH-60G Pave Hawk, on Nov. 5. Aircrews from Moody’s 41st Rescue Squadron, ...
One person was injured in a Nov. 5 fire at an explosives development laboratory at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., the base announced. The fire broke out in the Air Force Research Laboratory’s High Explosive Research and Development Facility at about 11:30 a.m., and emergency ...