Special-ops aviators, a physicist from the intelligence community, and an enlisted Marine with decades of deployments: U.S. Space Command’s military and civilian leaders who spoke May 7 were as likely to come from strictly space backgrounds as not. These are some of the day’s insights ...
U.S. Space Command and the Space Force are working on new ways to openly discuss their capabilities in orbit, to get around the lingering overclassification problem leaders have criticized while also ensuring the military can maintain deterrence against adversaries who are improving their own capabilities ...
The U.S. Space Force has done much in its first 16 months. We must allow it to unlock its full potential, by providing it with the tools and authorities to accomplish its mission. The new service should be authorized to unify the department so everyone ...
More of the world’s militaries are reorganizing their command structures to prepare for future wars in space while coming up with ways to counter satellites directly or to interfere with satellite communications, according to a report out April 1. In the 2021 edition of Global ...
Watch U.S. military leaders discuss defending the homeland in a panel discussion at AFA's virtual Aerospace Warfare Symposium.
The Space Force and the national Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps announced the first 10 JROTC units to convert their affiliation from the Air Force to the Space Force. All 10 schools converting volunteered. Selections were based on proximity to Space Force or ...
First Air Force will provide Air Force support to the recently re-established U.S. Space Command, making the organization responsible for both protecting the homeland and now supporting operations in space. The numbered Air Force also will continue to support U.S. Northern Command and North American ...
The U.S. military has worked in space for decades, providing GPS to the masses and bouncing combat messages through satellites to troops around the world. In some ways, though, the Space Force feels like it's starting from scratch. Officials are looking for ways to keep ...
The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General will review the Department of the Air Force’s decision to base U.S. Space Command headquarters at Redstone Arsenal, Ala., according to a Feb. 19 memo. The review will gauge how well the Air Force “complied with DOD ...
U.S. Space Command in its new strategy paper warns of a future with “increasingly capable competitors” and a “long-term security threat” posed by Russia and China, claiming the right of self-defense as America and its allies expand their space economies and look to permanently return ...
U.S. Space Command now has a planning team embedded in “about seven” other combatant commands, spurring broader use of space assets in everyday operations, Gen. James H. Dickinson said Jan. 26. That leaves only a few combatant commands without an integrated planning element for space, ...
Colorado’s congressional delegation is pushing President Joe Biden to review the Trump administration’s recent decision to move U.S. Space Command headquarters to Huntsville, Ala., in a Jan. 26 letter signed by all nine senators and representatives. “Our national security should be the most important consideration ...