The Defense Department may move its medical personnel from the New York area to other facilities or parts of the country that are hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic because of lower-than-expected demand. DOD has provided military employees to 11 civilian hospitals around New York ...
Lockheed Martin was awarded a $4.7 billion contract modification for 78 F-35 combat aircraft, including 48 F-35As for the U.S. Air Force, 14 F-35Bs for the Marine Corps, and 16 F-35Cs for the U.S. Navy and “associated red gear,” according to a March 31 contract ...
The new coronavirus is starting to have operational impacts in the Indo-Pacific, as the Navy sidelines a carrier that was previously underway. There were 280 current U.S. military cases of COVID-19 as of March 26—73 more than the previous day—and 600 cases total, including civilians, ...
Flight testing of the F-35 and other aircraft has been paused at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Pentagon acquisition and sustainment chief Ellen Lord declined to say whether this will delay the F-35's full-rate production decision, which is expected ...
The Defense Department on March 25 raised its Health Protection Condition level at every military installation globally to the second highest level as the new coronavirus outbreak spreads and more personnel test positive for the COVID-19 virus. The level—Health Protection Condition Charlie—means the virus has ...
England's Farnborough International Airshow and Royal International Air Tattoo, both originally slated to take place in July, have been canceled due to the new coronavirus pandemic, indicating the outbreak may have a long-term impact on the global defense industry. “After very careful consideration, the unprecedented impact ...
The Air Force is moving forward with its Stand-In Attack Weapon, preparing to check how it fits inside the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter this summer. Though the service previously said the missile would fly on the B-21 as well, Air Force spokeswoman Ilka Cole said ...