The Air Force successfully tested its redesigned Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile Form, Fit, Function Refresh (F3R), firing the AIM-120D3 missile from an F-15E Strike Eagle at a target over the Gulf of Mexico near the Florida coast. The first of five live-fire tests, it ...
After years of blocking the Air Force from retiring A-10 attack aircraft, the Senate Armed Services Committee will allow the service to proceed, but not with a new initiative to retire older F-22 Raptor air superiority jets. It also agreed to add seven more jets ...
An Air Force F-22 and an Air National Guard F-16 crashed in separate incidents a day apart, March 22 and 23, respectively, service spokespeople said. The F-22 crashed at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., while the F-16 crashed in western Louisiana. The F-16 pilot ejected. ...
An F-22's landing gear collapsed upon landing at Eglin Air Force Base March 22, but the pilot is in good condition after a hospital check. The cause of the accident is under investigation, though landing gear issues have afflicted the F-22 in recent years.
The head of U.S. Northern Command says the United States needs to modernize its communication and warning systems for homeland defense to ensure leaders have more time and better options before launching a kinetic response to potential threats. Future operations will inevitably demand that multiple ...