The Government Accountability Office says there are likely more delays ahead for the T-7A trainer, and the Air Force should build a realistic plan for testing and fielding the jet that takes into account the concurrency of design, test, and production.
Boeing is assembling the first T-7A static ground test article and should have it completed in a couple of months, company officials said Feb. 23. The ground test article will serve to guarantee an 8,000-hour service life on the production aircraft, the first of which ...
The first simulators for the T-7A advanced jet trainer are taking shape at Boeing's St. Louis, Mo., facilities, the company announced Dec. 1. The devices will match the environment, as well as visual and physical cues of the actual aircraft, in almost every way, the ...
Watch retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Bob Edmonds, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Growth at Elbit America, discuss the company's helmet-mounted display efforts, what next-generation HMDs might look like, the company's contributions to the Boeing-Saab T-7A Red Hawk trainer, and more during a sponsored ...
The Boeing-Saab T-7A Red Hawk advanced trainer is making progress despite the COVID-19 pandemic, with 80 percent of developmental testing complete and the first engineering and manufacturing development aircraft under construction, Boeing officials reported July 14. The T-7 has shown “fighter-like” performance and will be ...