The Air Force’s lone spectrum warfare wing is getting faster—much faster—in gathering data and responding to new threats, its leader said last week. The world of electronic warfare is often compared to a game of cat-and-mouse, with both sides constantly shifting tactics, frequencies, and software to both ...
The Air Force has changed the designation of the EC-37B to the EA-37B, the better to describe its mission of electronically attacking enemy systems. The 10 new aircraft will replace 14 EC-130H Compass Call aircraft, which are going into flyable storage.
Long neglect of electronic warfare and electromagnetic spectrum operations won’t be reversed quickly, especially without funding priority—and creative approaches are needed to get back in the game, experts said. However, there is top-down urgency to find solutions. Fixing EMS operations will require boosting the number ...
Air Combat Command on June 25 activated the first-of-its-kind 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing, which will provide electronic warfare maintenance and expertise for Combat Air Forces. The wing, which is temporarily based at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., while the Air Force does an environmental study ...
Although the Pentagon has contemplated designating the Electromagnetic Spectrum as a combat domain, it is no longer thinking that way, the officer in charge of developing an EMS strategy implementation plan said Nov. 12. Air Force Brig. Gen. Darrin P. Leleux said EMS is considered ...