The Space Force broke ground on a new ‘Space Campus’ at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar on Jan. 14 in a move officials say will boost space operations and capabilities in the Middle East.
Space plays a key role in U.S. military operations around the world, including in recent conflagrations in the Middle East, a senior official noted. “In general, space is absolutely essential to any mission United States military does,” John Plumb, assistant secretary of defense for space ...
The Space Force's top commander for the Middle East faces a two-fold resource problem, he said March 27. But with the support of U.S. Central Command and the Space Force, Col. Christopher Putman hopes to grow his team to confront the myriad of challenges presented ...
The Space Force must transition from delivering behind-the-scenes support to playing a more active role in which space capabilities are continuously tested and contested—and it must do so in as short a time as possible, said Chief of Space Operations Gen. B. Chance Saltzman in ...
The U.S. and Israel kicked off a massive combined weeklong military exercise Jan. 23, the largest since Israel was moved to U.S. Central Command’s area of responsibility in 2021. U.S. officials told Air & Space Forces Magazine the exercise, dubbed Juniper Oak, was notable in ...
The Space Force activated its Middle East component on Dec. 2 as the service moves to secure more responsibility with U.S. worldwide combatant commands. In the latest stand-up, U.S. Space Forces-Central (SPACECENT) was activated in a ceremony at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., with Space ...