The Space Force has received its first GPS III satellite, with a launch slated for April. The Lockheed Martin-built next-generation satellite, which was shipped to Cape Canaveral, Florida, on a C-17 from Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado, is the third GPS III to be delivered. ...
Greater transparency about space budgets is needed to normalize Space Force as the sixth military service, the Pentagon's space policy chief said Feb. 6. “We … need to lower the classification of what we’re doing,” Stephen Kitay told an AFA Mitchell Institute audience on Capitol ...
The U.S. Space Force is being built from the existing Air Force with a priority to keep a small and low-priced footprint, relying heavily on existing force structure. The Air Force on Feb. 3 sent a 26-page document to Congress outlining the plan for the ...
President Donald Trump honored Tuskegee Airman Charles McGee during his State of the Union address on Feb. 4, hours after pinning stars on McGee's shoulders in the Oval Office. Throughout his career, McGee flew a record 409 combat missions, more than any other pilot in ...
A career special operations pilot will become the second-highest officer at the Space Force's Space Operations Command, according to a slew of promotions and job changes announced Jan. 30. Col. Michael Conley, selected for promotion to brigadier general, comes to the Space Force after having ...
A space architecture enterprise summit in mid-February will bring together stakeholders like the Space Development Agency, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center, Space Rapid Capabilities Office to determine how each group fits into the DOD’s new military space vision, according to a top Air ...
President Donald Trump on Jan. 24 unveiled the first official Space Force seal, an early step in the new service’s attempt to craft its own culture. The seal features an arrowhead symbol over a globe, encircled by a stylized design of an orbit around the ...
For most, space policy is still more science fiction than reality—the stuff of a galaxy far, far away. People imagine laser-toting gunships and interplanetary bases, not airmen at consoles adjusting satellites in orbit. Those perceptions have persisted through about 18 months of pressure from the ...
USAF's "pass through" budget idiosyncrasy will get a fresh look in the context of creating Space Force, Ellen Lord said Jan. 14. “As we stand up Space Command and Space Force, I think we are looking at the entire structure of the organization; all resourcing ...