The Pentagon budget seems poised for an increase in 2023 over the $773 billion requested by President Joe Biden. The question now is how large that increase will be. The leaders of the Senate Appropriations committee released their markup of the defense funding bill July ...
The Senate Armed Services Committee advanced the nomination that could make the son of an Airman the Marine Corps’ first Black four-star general. The SASC advanced the nominations to the full Senate of both Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Michael E. Langley to become commander of ...
The Senate Armed Services Committee asks the Space Force to develop a "comprehensive strategy" and formalize a plan to achieve its priorities in the SASC's version of the 2023 National Defense Authorization bill, which the committee released publicly July 18. The committee also wants reports ...
After years of blocking the Air Force from retiring A-10 attack aircraft, the Senate Armed Services Committee will allow the service to proceed, but not with a new initiative to retire older F-22 Raptor air superiority jets. It also agreed to add seven more jets ...
The Air Force says the B-21 Raider won't make its first flight until 2023; about a six-month delay from the last official estimates. No reason was given for the delay. While other programs have recently chalked up schedule slips to supply chain and labor shortages, ...