Raytheon will build a new batch of Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles for 22 foreign countries under a $768.3 million Air Force contract awarded Dec. 27, 2019. This is the 33rd AMRAAM production lot and involves sales to Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Indonesia, Japan, Kuwait, Morocco, ...
The military is reviewing its security precautions and vetting of foreign nationals training at US bases following the Dec. 6 shooting at NAS Pensacola, Fla., but military officials are cautioning about cutting back on this training in the future. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. ...
The Pentagon is considering deploying additional forces to the Middle East—a move it considers a “prudent” step to deter Iranian aggression. The deployment would be part of a dynamic response to ongoing threats in the region, the Defense Department's head of policy told lawmakers on ...
A B-52 is flanked by four Saudi Arabian F-15Cs as it flies over Prince Sultan AB, Saudi Arabia, on Nov. 1, 2019. Air Forces Central Command Twitter video screenshot. US aircraft continued their high-profile operations in Saudi Arabia on Nov....