KC-135 Stratotankers have arrived in Saudi Arabia to replace the KC-10s which recently left the region for good after 30-plus years of service. The aerial tankers from Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash., arrived at Prince Sultan Air Base on Oct. 2. The 384th Expeditionary Air ...
The Air Force deployed a brand new version of one of its prized communications aircraft to Saudi Arabia, the service said in a Jan. 2 news release. An E-11A equipped with a Battlefield Airborne Communication Node, or BACN, arrived at Prince Sultan Air Base in ...
As part of Air & Space Forces Magazine’s commemoration of the Air Force’s 75th anniversary, we interviewed all of the living former Chiefs of Staff. In this final part of the series, we feature CSAF No. 13 Gen. Michael J. Dugan.
As concerns have risen in Washington about a potential Iranian attack against U.S. partners in the region, F-22 Raptors have deployed to the Middle East and performed operations alongside F-15E Strike Eagles, according to U.S. Central Command. The deployment demonstrates "CENTCOM's ability to move combat ...
The installation of a new monument in Washington, D.C., recognizing Gulf War veterans begins July 14 with the formal groundbreaking of the National Desert Storm and Desert Shield Memorial. Situated on the National Mall to the north of the Lincoln Memorial, the new park-style monument ...