Medium-Earth orbit—the range of space 2,000 to 35,786 kilometers above the surface mostly known as the home of GPS satellites and not much else—has been getting more and more attention from the Space Force in recent years. In its latest move, the service is eyeing ...
The Space Force is ready to integrate commercial satellites and systems into a broad range of missions, starting with satellite communications and space domain awareness, according to the service’s newly released Commercial Space Strategy. The strategy, unveiled April 10 after months of waiting, reaffirms what the Pentagon’s ...
News last fall that SpaceX owner and CEO Elon Musk restricted the Ukrainian military’s use of his Starlink satellite broadband service to stymie an attack on Russian forces highlighted the extraordinary power wielded in that war by a single business owner with some outlandish ideas. But ...
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Protecting the Protectors Aloft

Feb. 28, 2022 | By Joanne Hignett and J. Careless
The importance of cybersecurity aboard military/government aircraft grows with every passing day. The combination of complex onboard computer systems, two-way connectivity to ground controllers via radio/SATCOM, and integration with defense IT networks makes them prime targets for hackers.