The Air Force is extending the amount of time Airmen can spend at most enlisted ranks by two years, as the service looks to combat sluggish recruiting and balance its force structure. The High Year of Tenure (HYT) program sets limits on how long service members ...
The Air Force Personnel Center announced that just 14.8 percent of eligible tech sergeants were selected for promotion to master sergeant in the 22E7 promotion cycle, marking the service’s lowest E-7 promotion rate since at least 2010. All told, 4,040 technical sergeants were selected to ...
The U.S. military’s workforce can’t succeed in the long run unless it fully embraces the digital age, overhauls its lagging information technology systems, and pursues a more flexible and diverse workplace, according to the Pentagon’s new personnel strategy. The document from Pentagon personnel and readiness ...
The Air Force’s annual retention bonus program is shrinking to about 70 career fields in fiscal 2020, while aiming to keep more types of aircraft maintainers and cybersecurity specialists in the service, according to a Nov. 20 release. The Selective Retention Bonus effort offers a ...