Air Force leaders have already said they are shifting their focus away the hypersonic Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW). Now, the program may not get funding to complete a final few tests if the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee gets his way. In ...
A year after the Department of Defense was to report to Congress on whether it could declassify more Space Force programs, lawmakers are still waiting. Pentagon officials say only that they’re working the issue.
President Joe Biden’s administration released its proposed 2024 budget on March 9, including $842 billion for the Department of Defense—and while the Pentagon has yet to offer many specific details on how that money would be spent, the White House said its spending plan “builds ...
The last remaining nuclear arms control treaty, the New START agreement between the U.S. and Russia, is in peril following a declaration by Russian president Vladimir Putin that Moscow was “suspending” Russia's participation in the accord.
The growing crisis in surge weapons production can be laid at the feet of Congress, and the unpredictability and uncertainty of chronically delayed budgets, defense industry leaders said in a House Armed Services Committee hearing. Members said the Biden administration isn’t using the tools Congress ...
China has officially surpassed the U.S. in its total number of land-based nuclear missile launchers, according to a letter sent by U.S. Strategic Command to lawmakers last month—highlighting China’s growing nuclear weapons infrastructure, even as its stockpiles of missiles and warheads continue to trail those ...
A month after the new session of Congress began, the House Armed Services Committee formally organized Feb. 2, setting its subcommittee rosters and introducing new members on the panel tasked with overseeing with the Pentagon.
Republicans unveiled their roster of subcommittee chairs and members for the House Armed Services Committee this Congress on Jan. 25, including new names atop the key Tactical Air and Land Forces, Seapower and Projection Forces, and Military Personnel panels. Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Va.), will lead the ...
As the House of Representatives struggles to elect a Speaker and begin the work of a new session, a bipartisan group of lawmakers began warning that the House can't perform its oversight duties. The House has been locked in a holding pattern since Jan. 3, ...
Leaders on the Armed Services Committees in both the House and Senate are crafting a compromise National Defense Authorization Act and still hope to pass the annual policy bill before the end of 2022, said HASC chairman Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.). Once more, lawmakers are ...
The 2022 midterm elections produced several major surprises as races began to be called late Nov. 8 and early Nov. 9, and the biggest effects were yet to be decided, as neither Republicans nor Democrats had secured control of the House or Senate. But for ...
The House of Representatives passed its version of the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act on July 14. The annual policy bill includes a $37 billion increase to the top line of the Pentagon’s budget and a number of provisions that will affect the Air Force ...