The Air Force wants to hear from small businesses with big ideas to combat the spread of the new coronavirus. AFVentures, a new group started to improve outreach to small companies that do not traditionally work with the Pentagon, published a solicitation March 30 that ...
As the new coronavirus spreads, USAF aircrews are practicing “isolation in motion” to stay healthy while flying important airlift missions. While they can’t practice social distancing in a cockpit, aircrews are isolated before missions, and they go straight from their aircraft to their billets once ...
The new coronavirus is starting to have operational impacts in the Indo-Pacific, as the Navy sidelines a carrier that was previously underway. There were 280 current U.S. military cases of COVID-19 as of March 26—73 more than the previous day—and 600 cases total, including civilians, ...
The Defense Department on March 25 raised its Health Protection Condition level at every military installation globally to the second highest level as the new coronavirus outbreak spreads and more personnel test positive for the COVID-19 virus. The level—Health Protection Condition Charlie—means the virus has ...
As of the morning of March 24, the National Guard Bureau is tracking 26 positive cases of the COVID-19 virus among its personnel, including one in a headquarters staff member, NGB Chief Air Force Gen. Joseph Lengyel said. Also as of early March 24, more ...
The 9th Reconnaissance Wing at Beale Air Force Base, Calif., is implementing a tag-teaming system to help halt the spread of the new coronavirus. “Beale AFB has postured in a manner that will help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by shifting to a two team ...
The Pentagon is preparing to deploy field hospitals in addition to the Navy’s two hospital ships to help alleviate pressure on the medical communities fighting the new coronavirus outbreak, but Defense Secretary Mark Esper maintains that the military’s impact will be limited. Esper said he ...
The U.S. Air Force recently deployed aid to nations in Europe to help counter the spread of the new coronavirus and brought home Americans stranded abroad. “The COVID-19 pandemic requires that we work with our allies and partners to meet the challenges together,” U.S. Air ...
The Air Force authorized telework for most Pentagon-based personnel, canceled all outreach activities and events through May 15, put a hold on most official travel, and sent cadets home from the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo., in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. ...
Nine people affiliated with U.S. Forces Korea have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus, including one service member and two dependents of Active-duty personnel, the organization’s commander said March 13. The two latest cases include a Burger King worker and a contractor working on new ...
The Defense Department is preparing for a further outbreak of the novel coronavirus, as military laboratories help research a possible vaccine. Washington Headquarters Services is finalizing its proposal to protect the Pentagon in case of an outbreak, focusing on prevention measures and other mitigation steps ...
U.S. Air Force bases near outbreaks of the novel coronavirus are restricting travel and urging airmen to proactively protect their health as the virus spreads. In Italy, the 31st Fighter Wing at Aviano Air Base has directed all airmen and soldiers to avoid travel to ...