The Pentagon will incorporate the “implications of climate change” in its wargaming, analysis, simulations, and its upcoming National Defense Strategy after President Joe Biden on Jan. 27 signed new executive actions aimed at addressing the issue across the whole government. "The order clearly establishes climate ...
Approximately 5,000 National Guard troops will remain on the streets of Washington, D.C., with most protecting the U.S. Capitol for almost two more months, in response to requests from federal agencies and local police who anticipate additional unrest. As of Jan. 25, there were about ...
President Joe Biden told American allies they’ll have a friendlier partner in the White House, pledging to renew cooperation and “engage with the world once again.” The comments mark a departure from the Trump administration’s frequent threats to withdraw from alliances, and its transactional approach ...
President Joe Biden took the oath of office to become the 46th Commander in Chief on Jan. 20, pledging to unite a country that faces deep internal division and to project strength abroad by repairing alliances. “This is a great nation. We are good people,” ...