The Pentagon will extend its stop movement order, currently set to expire May 11, and limit the exemption process to further address the spread of the new coronavirus, Defense Secretary Mark Esper said. Esper, who first ordered military personnel across to globe to limit movement ...
The ARRW hypersonic missile would equip B-1Bs refurbished and updated for a more potent long-range strike capability, Global Strike Command chief Gen. Timothy Ray said. The hypersonic missiles would be mounted on the external hardpoints once planned to carry AGM-86B Air-Launched Cruise Missiles, but not ...
New documents released March 30 show the Defense Department asking Congress for authority to stop producing an unclassified version of its Future Years Defense Program—its five-year plan for future spending that is released alongside its budget. Required since 1989, the FYDP shows the Pentagon’s near-future ...
The Defense Department has issued new guidance for commanders who are trying to maintain mission readiness while helping their personnel navigate through the uncertainties of the new coronavirus pandemic. “Commanders have broad authority to exercise sound judgment in all cases, and this guidance describes available ...
Most industrial defense work is proceeding without interruption during the coronavirus pandemic, Pentagon acquisition and sustainment chief Ellen Lord said March 25., but lingering uncertainties prompted her to issue memos about how "critical" it is that those efforts continue. She also voiced concern that the ...
Starting this week, the Senate Armed Services Committee will hold hearings using only written questions and answers, while the new coronavirus keeps the panel from convening as usual. In a delayed process dubbed “paper hearings,” SASC will post the opening statements from Chairman Sen. Jim ...
The U.S. will immediately cut assistance to the government of Afghanistan by $1 billion because of leadership failures at the top ranks in Kabul, with plans to cut another $1 billion next year, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced March 23. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani ...