House lawmakers hammered Lockheed Martin for persistent problems in the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter enterprise during a July 22 hearing, as the defense giant declined to promise it would fully reimburse the Pentagon for defective equipment files. At issue are electronic equipment logs, which act ...
The Defense Department banned the display of unapproved flags in a new policy issued July 16. The change effectively blocks display of controversial flags such as the battle flag of the Army of Northern Virginia—better known as the “Confederate Flag”—as well as rainbow flags used ...
The Pentagon convened a board, to be led by Air Force Secretary Barbara M. Barrett, that will focus on diversity and inclusion initiatives, while Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper issued a new memorandum outlining immediate steps to address bias within the military. The Defense Department ...
Michael J. K. Kratsios, the White House’s 33-year-old chief technology officer, is the new acting undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, effective July 10, the Pentagon announced July 13. He fills in behind Michael D. Griffin, whose last day was also July 10. Griffin ...
The heads of eight top defense contractors are urging the White House and Pentagon not to cut modernization and research and development funding to come up with the money to pay for expenses caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The companies said they're worried modernization will ...
The Pentagon is wrapping up multiple reviews of how the military supported local law enforcement and deployed aircraft during widespread protests across the country, particularly in Washington, D.C., the Pentagon’s top leaders told House lawmakers July 9. Officials are also looking for lessons that help ...