Congress officially averted a government shutdown Dec. 23, passing a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending package including $858 billion for defense, 10 percent more than Congress approved for 2022. The Senate passed the measure 68-29 on Dec. 22 and the House voted 225-201, sending the bill ...
The Pentagon's upcoming 2023 fiscal year budget should go up at least $42 billion to $815 billion to combat rising inflation, warned three former Department of Defense comptrollers in a whitepaper released Tuesday by National Defense Industrial Association. NDIA also raised similar concerns in a ...
With many lawmakers already pushing to increase the top line of the Pentagon’s fiscal 2023 budget, top defense officials acknowledged April 5 that their budget request was based off inflation rates that were “incorrect.” At the same time, they argued, the $773 billion request would ...
The Pentagon is asking Congress for $773 billion in fiscal 2023, releasing a budget request March 28 highlighted by inflation, a classified new National Defense Strategy, and a continued focus on China as the pacing challenge while categorizing Russia as an “acute” threat. All told, ...