A pair of U.S. Air Force F-16s intercepted two Russian bombers flying near Alaska on Oct. 17, NORAD announced—though the bombers never actually entered U.S. or Canadian airspace and officials said they did not see the Russian jets as a threat or provocation. The Tu-95 ...
Retired Gen. C. Robert "Bob" Kehler led the discussion "America Under Attack: Defending the Homeland" with Gen. Glen D. VanHerck of U.S. Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command; Gen. James H. Dickinson of U.S. Space Command; and Adm. Charles A. "Chas" Richard of ...
The head of U.S. Northern Command says the United States needs to modernize its communication and warning systems for homeland defense to ensure leaders have more time and better options before launching a kinetic response to potential threats. Future operations will inevitably demand that multiple ...
Regional combatant commanders are anxious to use new connectivity and artificial intelligence systems that have worked well in exercises, but are frustrated with the slow pace of introducing them, U.S. Northern Command chief Gen. Glen D. VanHerck said March 31. An exercise last week highlighted ...
The Alaskan North American Aerospace Defense Region early March 29 tracked two Russian Tu-142 maritime patrol aircraft entering the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone, Alaskan Command announced. The aircraft operated in international airspace, and Alaska Command did not announce if U.S. or Canadian aircraft scrambled ...