If the Pentagon wants the U.S. defense industrial base to be able to surge production of munitions and more, those details should be included in requirements and contracts and paid for, industry leaders told lawmakers this week.
Sluggish testing is holding back U.S. efforts to develop and field new hypersonic weapon systems, and Congress must help the effort by funding new test capabilities and capacity, according to Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.) and the NDIA’s Emerging Technologies Institute.
The defense industrial base is “incapable” of building hypersonic systems at scale, due mainly to the government giving ambiguous signals to industry about whether it will invest in such technologies, according to a new paper from the National Defense Industrial Association's Emerging Technology Institute. The ...
Joint capabilities and maturing technologies topped the list of priorities as Defense Department leaders discussed the Pentagon’s fiscal year 2024 science and technology budget request at a National Defense Industrial Association forum April 13.
There’s a growing “mismatch” between what the National Defense Strategy says is needed for the coming years and the state of the defense industrial base, which is shrinking, less able to surge production, dealing with ever-greater uncertainty, and facing a worsening shortage of workers, according ...
The growing crisis in surge weapons production can be laid at the feet of Congress, and the unpredictability and uncertainty of chronically delayed budgets, defense industry leaders said in a House Armed Services Committee hearing. Members said the Biden administration isn’t using the tools Congress ...
The Pentagon's upcoming 2023 fiscal year budget should go up at least $42 billion to $815 billion to combat rising inflation, warned three former Department of Defense comptrollers in a whitepaper released Tuesday by National Defense Industrial Association. NDIA also raised similar concerns in a ...
The National Defense Industrial Association has given the climate for the defense industrial base a failing grade based on data in the association's latest "Vital Signs" annual report. Supply chain issues, workforce availability, cyber espionage, reduced investment in basic research, and insufficient leadership in key ...
The National Defense Industrial Association gave the defense industrial base another "C" grade in its second annual assessment, based on polling data from member companies. While business is good, companies are finding it hard to get qualified workers and navigate complex government business rules. With ...
New Pentagon acquisition rules are making it possible to field the AGM-183A Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW) hypersonic missile five years faster than would be possible under the old rules, top USAF uniformed acquisition official Lt. Gen. Duke Z. Richardson said Dec. 3. He also ...
The military needs to rethink the way it develops and approves strikes in combat and possibly restructure component commands as the Air Force-led joint all-domain command and control effort takes root, said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. The Advanced Battle ...
Space acquisition officials in the Pentagon will soon hold a meeting to discuss emergency measures to help the space industrial base, as the coronavirus pandemic threatens military and commercial satellite ambitions. Within the next two weeks, key players from the Department of the Air Force, ...