Air assets and strategic partnerships remain pivotal components to the Pentagon’s basing strategy, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region, Mara Karlin, assistant secretary of Defense for strategy, plans, and capabilities, said during a Brookings Institution online forum Feb. 10.In the Indo-Pacific, Karlin emphasized recent “posture investments” ...
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. continued his sweep through Eastern Europe this week, completing trips to Latvia and Lithuania from Dec. 19 to 21. In those visits, Brown discussed “integrated air and missile defense” with leaders from both countries’ militaries, ...
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. visited Poland earlier this week, meeting with his counterparts in the Polish military and discussing USAF rotations in the country, as well as Poland’s future F-35 fighters. While there, Brown also visited U.S. Airmen stationed in ...
Germany has formally signed on to buy 35 F-35s, which will begin delivering in 2026. The aircraft are being bought as part of a $112 billion accelerated military modernization program Germany launched after Russia invaded Ukraine.