Artificial intelligence could bring about “biological conflict," said former Google chief executive Eric Schmidt, who co-chaired the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence. AI’s applicability to biological warfare is “something which we don’t talk about very much,” Schmidt told defense reporters, but it poses grave ...
The congressionally chartered National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence has completed its work, but the team that created its 756-page report will continue, backed this time by its former chair, Eric Schmidt, who is committing his own money to the new effort, dubbed the "Special ...
The Defense Department’s push to operationalize artificial intelligence, which leaders say will change the way the military conducts war but not the laws of war, is gaining momentum. More than 600 AI efforts are in progress across the department, “significantly more than just a year ...
DOD will release two reports this summer aimed at improving its science and technology enterprise. The master plan for research, development, test, and evaluation infrastructure is due to Congress by June 30, while another report assessing the diversity of the department’s research and engineering workforce ...
The United States has a slim lead over China in artificial intelligence technology, but the gap is rapidly closing and “urgent action must be taken” to preserve U.S. competitiveness, said members of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence during an Atlantic Council virtual event. ...
In its latest round of recommendations to Congress formalized July 21, the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence suggests ways to get high-tech employees trained and then locked into federal service commitments—ideas modeled after the military service academies and ROTC programs. The NSCAI proposes a ...