Language Enabled Airmen play a key role building partnerships abroad, but there are too few to meet the surge for high-demand languages such as Japanese and Ukrainian.
A Congressionally mandated commission found serious faults with the Pentagon's National Defense Strategy, concluding that it fails to fully recognize China's growing military might, Russia's persistent threat, risks from Iran and other rogue states—and the increasing convergence of all three. The Pentagon is under-financed and ...
The U.S. could take thousands of casualties but in most cases would ultimately prevail: These were the conclusions drawn from a series of 24 wargames run by the Center for Strategic and International Studies that assessed a scenario in which China attempted an amphibious invasion ...
These are the complete remarks by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III at the Reagan National Defense Forum, Dec. 3, 2022, in Simi Valley, Calif.
China is rapidly modernizing its nuclear forces and aims to flex its growing military clout, according to a new Pentagon report. "It certainly is a dramatically accelerated pace," a senior defense official told reporters in connection with the report's release. "They've got a rapid buildup ...
The Department of Defense must do more to make sure its budget matches up with the needs of its overall strategy, according to a new report from the Center for a New American Security. The report places particular focus on the fiscal 2023 budget request, ...
The Department of Defense's senior policy official laid out the Biden administration’s security strategy for the Middle East. In a speech in Bahrain, Colin Kahl, undersecretary of defense for policy, said the U.S. is still committed to the region despite a shift in its security focus ...
Wargame results and opportunities to asymmetrically counter adversaries are driving the Pentagon’s investment choices in new technologies, said Heidi Shyu, undersecretary of defense for research and engineering. She also said an unclassified document outlining the science and technologies underpinning the new National Defense Strategy will ...
The U.S. is "clearly committed" to its plans to significantly improve its missile defense of Guam, a senior defense official said, expanding on a key theme of the recently released Missile Defense Review. The U.S. territory in the Western Pacific is a major U.S. military ...
The Air Force won’t get larger anytime soon as a result of the new National Defense Strategy, and competition with China and Russia, though gravely serious, doesn’t constitute a new Cold War—mainly because of economic interdependence, said Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall.
The Department of Defense unveiled updated defense, nuclear, and missile defense strategies Oct. 27 that outline a fundamental shift in the world's nuclear weapons threat. DOD states that nuclear weapons underpin U.S. strategic defenses and that America will continue to invest in its nuclear forces.