Air Force Global Strike Command will regularly rotate a small number of bombers to the Pacific and Middle East theaters to maintain a regular deterrence presence and to conduct combat operations as needed, but it will no longer operate out of bases such as al-Udeid ...
The services will likely fall short of their end-strength goals this year because of the impacts of the new coronavirus outbreak, though positive trends in recruitment have remained, the Pentagon’s head of personnel said April 28. Matt Donovan, under secretary of defense for personnel and ...
The National Reconnaissance Office and U.S. Space Command are still shaping a new concept of operations to settle the question of who should defend the various pieces of the military space enterprise, the NRO’s deputy director said during an April 24 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace ...
The Pentagon has shifted its top priority from hypersonics to microelectronics, because the latter technology is an element of almost all weapon systems, and the U.S. is "in danger" of losing superiority in this area, said Mark Lewis, the head of defense research and engineering ...
The Space Force is working on its capstone space doctrine publication as well as a new deterrence strategy to shape its way forward, Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond said in an April 7 discussion with AFA’s Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies. New doctrine ...
One upside of the COVID-19 pandemic is that Air Force retention, particularly of pilots and maintainers, will likely improve as the global downturn in the airline business reduces the commercial appetite for people in those specialties, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein said ...
The threat of large-scale Iranian action against the United States has waned following the Jan. 3 drone strike that killed that country’s top military leader; however, small-scale attacks have returned, experts said Feb. 7. The strike at the Baghdad International Airport, which killed Iranian Quds ...
Greater transparency about space budgets is needed to normalize Space Force as the sixth military service, the Pentagon's space policy chief said Feb. 6. “We … need to lower the classification of what we’re doing,” Stephen Kitay told an AFA Mitchell Institute audience on Capitol ...