The Air Force will send 60 Basic Military Training recruits to Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., “no earlier than” April 7 to try and prove that locations other than Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, can also host BMT during contingencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic, ...
The Air Force expects to lose confidence in the full viability of its 400 intercontinental ballistic missiles starting in 2026, three years before replacement nuclear missiles start entering the ground, according to a new Government Accountability Office report.“ According to Air Force officials, as a ...
Foreign countries are boosting their investments in “gray zone” weapons that can confuse and disable satellites, are harder to attribute to a specific attacker, and fall below the level of overt war, posing regulatory challenges, according to a new report from the Center for Strategic ...
New documents released March 30 show the Defense Department asking Congress for authority to stop producing an unclassified version of its Future Years Defense Program—its five-year plan for future spending that is released alongside its budget. Required since 1989, the FYDP shows the Pentagon’s near-future ...
Two cadets have been found dead within three days at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Air Force officials say both were cadets first-class, and their deaths were not related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The first cadet was found dead on campus on March 26 ...
Air Force acquisition programs remain largely on course, despite some major disruptions from the new coronavirus outbreak, such as Boeing halting production at its Puget Sound-area facilities in Washington state, the service’s acquisition boss said. The outbreak has posed unprecedented challenges to the service and ...
Work is still underway to build up the Space Force even as the new coronavirus raises some unexpected hurdles, the service's top uniformed officer said March 27. Three people assigned to the Space Force in Colorado have tested positive for the virus, Chief of Space ...
Though the Lockheed Martin/KAI T-50A lost the T-X competition, the Air Force will lease a handful of the jets to train pilots ahead of their instruction in the new Boeing T-7A, according to a Korean newspaper. The pricing for the jets is being negotiated, according ...
The new coronavirus is starting to have operational impacts in the Indo-Pacific, as the Navy sidelines a carrier that was previously underway. There were 280 current U.S. military cases of COVID-19 as of March 26—73 more than the previous day—and 600 cases total, including civilians, ...