Pacific Air Forces has been fine-tuning the Agile Combat Employment concept in training exercises for years, but the new coronavirus outbreak has required real-world execution. As the pandemic continues to spread across the globe, PACAF has cut back on its overall flying engagements. Some exercises ...
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein expects the service’s stop-movement order will be extended past May 11 as the coronavirus pandemic continues. Pentagon Undersecretary of Personnel and Readiness Matt Donovan, a former acting Air Force Secretary, is considering whether to direct a decision ...
An open letter to Air Force Academy alumni and parents from the Cadet Wing Commander, Cadet First Class Haeley Deeney, takes critics to task for "negative or otherwise harmful posts and comments" in the wake of two suspected suicides at the Colorado Springs campus and ...
The Space Force is wrapping up its report on how to build a successful new military space acquisition enterprise, posing 10 recommendations to Capitol Hill while starting to move out on pieces of the plan. Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett was expected to sign the ...
The Space Development Agency has released its draft request for proposals for an initial batch of 20 data-relay satellites known as the “Tranche 0 transport layer.” Pentagon officials see the transport layer as a way to unify the various space-based sensors that are part of ...