The Air Force on April 17 signed a $13 million research and development blanket purchase agreement with healthcare startup Curative Inc., to employ and scale a Food and Drug Administration-authorized, saliva-based COVID-19 test that can yield results in about one day, USAF announced April 20. ...
More than a year ahead of schedule, the Air Force has picked Raytheon Technologies' version of the stealthy, nuclear Long-Range Standoff Missile to continue in development, ending Lockheed Martin's involvement in the program. While not a contract award, the move allows USAF to shift some ...
Nearly 90 newly minted second lieutenants are heading to the Space Force as its first company-grade officers, following their April 18 graduation from the U.S. Air Force Academy. Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond likened the first young Space Force members to USAFA's inaugural ...
Space acquisition officials in the Pentagon will soon hold a meeting to discuss emergency measures to help the space industrial base, as the coronavirus pandemic threatens military and commercial satellite ambitions. Within the next two weeks, key players from the Department of the Air Force, ...
The Air Force's future close air support portfolio will include seven squadrons of A-10s into the 2040s, along with light attack aircraft in partnership with some countries, but these efforts will be distinct from Special Operations Command's pursuit of an Armed Overwatch aircraft, USAF top ...
The Air Force announced April 17 it will no longer base strategic bombers outside of the continental United States, marking an end to the service's 16-year continuous bomber presence at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam. But before the last bomber left the island, USAF reminded ...
The effort to replace Air Force One is moving along smoothly despite the new coronavirus, and has essentially completed a key design milestone, USAF acquisition boss Will Roper said April 16. Program officials held the critical design review online rather than coming together in person ...
Air Force acquisition boss Will Roper is seeking more congressional help for the defense industrial base as companies find their new business rhythm in the coronavirus era. “We’re transitioning into the new steady state. The number of new discoveries is going down and that’s good,” ...