Alabama Rep. Mike Rogers, a leading Space Force proponent, will become the top Republican member of the House Armed Services Committee, his office said Dec. 3. “It’s an honor to be selected by my colleagues to lead the Republicans as Ranking Member of the House ...
A new space materials laboratory at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., is now open for business. The Air Force Research Laboratory’s space vehicles directorate opened the $4 million Deployable Structures Laboratory (DeSel) on Oct. 29. It plans to begin testing hardware in the next few ...
Military officials are in the home stretch of making decisions that will shape a future Space Systems Command, as they look to stand up the new organization by early next summer. Space and Missile Systems Center boss Lt. Gen. John F. Thompson said Nov. 20 ...
The U.S. is looking to piece together military and commercial data on orbital traffic and potential threats for a better idea of what’s hanging out in space. To get there, federal agencies and companies need to get over a basic hurdle: trust. In the beginning, ...
The Space Force is planning its first steps toward a new intelligence center to make the great unknown a little less mysterious. Two pieces of the National Air and Space Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, will form the basis of a new ...
The Senate Appropriations Committee’s version of the fiscal 2021 defense spending bill looks to continue shaping the young Space Force with provisions on personnel and acquisition. Lawmakers are offering the Space Force $2.6 billion for operations and maintenance, $2.2 billion for procurement, and $10.4 billion ...
New Space Force guidance directs the service to create entities like a National Space Intelligence Center, begins to set benchmarks for improving the force, and offers insight into future operations. Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond rolled out the planning document Nov. ...
The Senate on Oct. 26 confirmed Maj. Gen. Robert J. Skinner as the next head of the Defense Information Systems Agency, as well as for promotion to lieutenant general. Skinner, who currently oversees command, control, communications, and cyber operations for U.S. Indo-Pacific Command in Hawaii, was ...
Maj. Gen. DeAnna M. Burt is slated to take over as the deputy commander of the Space Force’s operations branch and as head of a related warfighting group underneath U.S. Space Command, a military spokesperson confirmed Oct. 30. Space Force spokesperson 1st Lt. Rachel L. ...