The Department of the Air Force has begun work on its second review on disparities in its ranks, sending surveys to Airmen and starting interviews focused on barriers to service that some face based on gender and ethnicity. This second Inspector General Independent Disparity Review ...
Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III on April 9 announced interim steps to counter extremism in the ranks following Defense Department-wide standdowns to discuss the issue, including updating DOD guidance on what defines extremist behavior and updating questionnaires that prospective service members take. In the ...
Black Airmen are wrestling with their own reality in an Air Force that still suffers from its own racial blind spots and systemic discrimination, as civil unrest sweeps the nation following the May death of George Floyd. A dozen Black Airmen—including current and former officers, ...
Discussions on race relations, including disparities in the application of military justice and promotions as well as Airmen's own experiences, can’t end when the country shifts its focus onto other issues, such as the election in the fall, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David ...
The Air Force needs to study and understand the racial disparity in the way Airmen are disciplined before courts martial, including identifying differences in how minority Airmen are mentored early on in their careers compared to white Airmen, to better create a more inclusive service, ...
The Air Force Inspector General wants to hear from a broad range of Airmen as it tries to identify racial biases in the service's justice and professional development systems. Officials will first focus on policies and processes that may have largely disadvantaged black Airmen, after ...
The Air Force needs to address the disparity in judicial punishments between white and black Airmen, and use this discussion as a catalyst for a broader conversation for how people are valued within the service, the Air Force’s top lawyer argues in a recent letter. ...
Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., the Air Force's presumptive next Chief of Staff, talked about what's on his mind as Congress considers his historic nomination to be the first black leader of any military service while racial tensions flare across the country following the Memorial ...
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright will meet virtually with Airmen for two hours June 3 to discuss how the service will move forward to address racial inequality, as civil unrest continues to ...
The Air Force will conduct a “full and independent review” of its military justice system, looking at racial disparities in discipline and ways to improve the diversity of the service’s highest ranks as civil unrest continues to spread across the country. Chief Master Sergeant of ...