With several thousand Airmen still unvaccinated against COVID-19, the Air Force is reportedly introducing a new consequence for those without a medical or administrative exemption. Starting Nov. 29, unvaccinated Airmen will be blocked from moving to new assignments unless they are on existing PCS orders ...
The Department of the Air Force is preparing to discipline thousands of Airmen and Guardians who will miss a Nov. 2 deadline for full vaccination against COVID-19. As of Oct. 25, an estimated 10,000 Airmen and Guardians remained unvaccinated, with vaccination levels improving only slightly ...
With a week to go until the Department of the Air Force’s Nov. 2 deadline for Active-duty Airmen and Guardians to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, nearly 95 percent of Active-duty Air Force and Space Force members are vaccinated, according to the latest data. At ...
A full-court press by Air Force leaders to encourage vaccines won't be enough to prevent thousands of Airmen and Guardians from missing Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall’s Nov. 2 deadline for Active-duty troops to get COVID vaccinations, just three weeks away.
As the Nov. 2 deadline for members of the Air Force and Space Force to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 approaches, the percentage of vaccinated service members in the department has jumped significantly, the latest data show. In a Sept. 28 update, the Department of ...
Active-duty Airmen and Guardians have until Nov. 2 to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, while members of the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve have until Dec. 2. Personnel will be considered fully vaccinated two weeks after the second dose of a two-dose vaccine, ...
Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III officially mandated the COVID-19 vaccine for the military, sending a memo announcing the news Aug. 24, a day after the Food and Drug Administration granted full approval to the Pfizer-BioNTech version of the shot. However, Austin’s memo does not ...
The Pentagon’s plan to make the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory for the U.S. military is set to take effect in the coming days, as the Food and Drug Administration issued full approval for the Pfzier-BioNTech shot Aug. 23. The Defense Department “is prepared to issue updated ...
The Defense Department is beginning to see the highly infectious Delta variant of COVID-19 among service members. Officials are urging more troops to receive vaccinations, saying health protection conditions could increase if cases rise. The new variant, which emerged from India and is expected to ...
The last federally supported COVID-19 vaccine center staffed by U.S. military personnel closed June 20, wrapping up more than four months of vaccinations at dozens of sites nationwide. While the federally supported sites have closed, National Guard personnel are still supporting state and local vaccination ...
Senior military leaders are stepping up efforts to encourage service members to get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as the Defense Department rolls back mask mandates and other regulations put in place to stymie the spread of the virus. As of May 20, the Defense Department ...
The Defense Department will no longer require fully vaccinated personnel to wear masks at DOD facilities. The guidance applies to all those who are two weeks beyond their final dose, both indoors and outdoors, according to a May 13 memo from Deputy Secretary of Defense ...