Inflation, imperfect early estimates, and rising construction costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have combined to significantly raise the expected cost of rebuilding Offutt Air Force Base from the devastating floods of 2019, Nebraska Rep. Don Bacon said in an interview. The new estimate is ...
Plans to upgrade facilities for the new Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent program remain "on the path" to stay on budget as the Minuteman III replacement's development progresses, Air Force Lt. Gen. Warren D. Berry told a Senate subcommittee June 16. "GBSD, where you're essentially going to ...
Brig. Gen. William H. Kale III told House appropriators May 19 to expect a “significant” improvement in military construction funding in the department’s fiscal 2022 budget request, saying key focus areas include the fielding of new nuclear capabilities and bolstering facilities in the European and ...