Tracking and countering advanced cruise missiles developed by Russia and China needs to be a top priority for U.S. Northern Command, the nominee to lead the organization told lawmakers July 28. USAF Lt. Gen. Glen D. VanHerck, currently the director of the Joint Staff, said ...
The DOD's top two research and engineering officials are leaving their posts July 10 to pursue an opportunity in the private sector together, according to an email the pair sent out to Pentagon colleagues June 23. Michael D. Griffin was the first to occupy the ...
Space stakeholders are moving forward with a new plan for missile defense, warning, and tracking after a Pentagon-wide review meant to align the work of multiple DOD agencies. Space Force Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond told reporters during a May 20 Defense Writers ...
Air Forces Central Command and the Air National Guard will get new commanders, as part of several new general officer nominations announced May 11. President Donald Trump tapped current AFCENT boss Lt. Gen. Joseph Guastella Jr. to be the next deputy chief of staff for ...
A new report by RAND Corp. argues the national security space enterprise would benefit from having three launch providers offering heavy lift services over the next few years, before downsizing to two to meet the Space Force’s long-term needs. RAND believes that as the United ...
Space acquisition officials in the Pentagon will soon hold a meeting to discuss emergency measures to help the space industrial base, as the coronavirus pandemic threatens military and commercial satellite ambitions. Within the next two weeks, key players from the Department of the Air Force, ...
President Donald Trump on Dec. 20 established the US Space Force as America’s sixth military service, one of the most significant changes in Air Force history and a milestone in America’s exploration and militarization of the cosmos. The Space Force is the Pentagon’s first branch ...
Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center boss Lt. Gen. John Thompson appeared optimistic about the future of acquisition under the Space Force, despite industry's concerns about changes foreshadowed in the draft fiscal 2020 defense policy bill. Bipartisan, bicameral language would create a space acquisition ...