About a month away from its arrival, the Air Force named an upcoming light attack and observation aircraft after an iconic Cold War-era close air support platform.
Air Force Special Operations Command will find ways to use the OA-1K Armed Overwatch plane in great power competition, commander Lt. Gen. Michael E. Conley said this week, amid questions about the fleet’s size and utility in a changing strategic environment.
Air Force Special Operations Command will deploy some of its CV-22 Ospreys in the coming weeks after months of limited operations, its commander said Sept. 18. But even when deployed, Ospreys will be required to operate within 30 minutes of a safe landing zone—a factor that ...
The crash of an Air Force CV-22 Osprey last year off Japan that killed eight Airmen was caused by a “catastrophic failure” in one aircraft’s gearboxes that led to an “unrecoverable” loss of control just as the crew was about to conduct an emergency landing, ...