Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's aides are struggling to explain why no one at the Pentagon informed the White House or U.S. military leaders that the president’s principal civilian military advisor and a top Cabinet official in the presidential line of succession had ...
After 50 years, the All-Volunteer Force still works and is the right model, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks said Nov. 7. However, to fill the ranks in a hot labor market, the Pentagon needs to expand its eligibilities and make the benefits it offers ...
An Air Force task force charged with advancing new technologies is considering fielding one-way attack drones in the Middle East, the top USAF commander for the region told reporters Oct. 4. Task Force 99, a small detachment in Air Forces Central (AFCENT), is exploring kinetic ...
The Pentagon plans to field thousands of drones in the sea, in the air, and possibly on land to counter the large size of China’s military under its new Replicator Initiative. And the Department of Defense’s No. 2 official insists the DOD needs no new ...
Through a new effort called the Replicator Initiative, the Department of Defense is seeking to rapidly expand its capacity through relatively inexpensive autonomous systems. And the DOD wants those systems fast—in the “volume and velocity required to deter aggression or win if we’re forced to ...
The Biden administration is requesting $185.1 billion for the Air Force in 2024, slightly less than its $185.5 billion proposal for the Army, and well behind the $202.5 billion requested for the Navy. But the Air Force, Space Force, and Navy are gaining investment while ...
At $886 billion, the Pentagon’s 2024 budget request is “first and foremost ... a procurement budget,” assistant defense secretary Kathleen H. Hicks said March 13—a shift from the first two budget requests of the Biden administration, which emphasized investments in research and development.
The Pentagon's upcoming 2023 fiscal year budget should go up at least $42 billion to $815 billion to combat rising inflation, warned three former Department of Defense comptrollers in a whitepaper released Tuesday by National Defense Industrial Association. NDIA also raised similar concerns in a ...
Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks urged Congress to be more patient with the Defense Department as it develops new systems, like hypersonic missiles. The Pentagon sees “real resistance … on Capitol Hill” to that approach, “and so you get curtailment of programs, … concerns over ...
Roughly eight to 10 flights full of supplies and equipment for Ukraine are landing in Eastern Europe every day, Pentagon press secretary John F. Kirby told reporters on April 12, as the U.S. and other nations race to get their aid packages into the hands ...
Senior military leaders are stepping up efforts to encourage service members to get the COVID-19 vaccine, even as the Defense Department rolls back mask mandates and other regulations put in place to stymie the spread of the virus. As of May 20, the Defense Department ...
To ensure it can compete—and win—against peer adversaries such as China and Russia in the future, the Air Force must divest its aging equipment and instead invest in more capable and advanced aircraft, said Lt. Gen. S. Clinton Hinote, deputy chief of staff for strategy, ...