F-22s arrived at RAF Lakenheath, U.K., en route to Poland, as the U.S. Air Force continues to bolster its presence of fifth-generation fighters in the region. U.S. Air Forces in Europe confirmed the F-22s’ arrival, stating that the fighters from the 90th Fighter Squadron of ...
Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, will receive its final two F-35 strike fighters in the coming days, making it the Air Force’s second fully-equipped combat-coded F-35 wing and the first for Pacific Air Forces. Once the beddown is complete, Eielson will have a total of ...
In the Arctic the weather is the adversary, and training is key to survival. Arctic Edge, Alaska's largest joint force exercise this year, includes 1,000 U.S. and Canadian forces training throughout the state. It is one of several Arctic training exercises occurring simultaneously this month.
The Defense Department’s new academic research and training venue focused on the Arctic will be located in Anchorage, Alaska, the Pentagon announced Nov. 17. The exact location of the Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies, first announced in June, is still to be determined.