Gen. Charles Q. Brown sat down with reporters at AFA’s Air Warfare Symposium, just days before officially being tapped as the next Chief of Staff of the Air Force. The wide-ranging interview touched on Joint All-Domain Command and Control, logistics while under attack, the challenges ...
The Air Force picked the AGM-183 Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon hypersonic missile over the Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon because it's more advanced and is a better match to the Air Force's needs, and the HCSW just didn't fit in an overcrowded budget, service acquisition chief ...
Members of Congress who've heard the Air Force's explanation of why it's trading capacity now to get connectivity later back the move, Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein told reporters February 27. But he expects a lot more explanation will be needed. “The risk is ...
The Air Force wants to boost its investment in the Advanced Battle Management System for fiscal 2021, more than doubling funding for the effort to $302.3 million. The uptick reflects the progress researchers are starting to make and leaders’ optimism that the idea will bear ...
The Pentagon’s Defense-Wide Review would shift $5.7 billion from non-military defense offices and agencies to higher priority missions such as nuclear deterrence and technology investment. The review, released this week, recommended “right-sizing” entities such as medical treatment facilities, reducing the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, and ...
Two Air Force officials say they and their counterparts in the other services will dig into joint operating concepts for command and control following a Pentagon-wide gathering on the topic in mid-January. "We really looked at structure, processes, and challenges and opportunities, and that's probably ...