Brig. Gen. Jeffery D. Valenzia, Department of the Air Force Advanced Battle Management System cross-functional team lead, moderates a discussion on joint all-domain command and control with Ron Fehlen, vice president and general manager of Air Force Programs, Broadband Communications Systems, L3Harris Technologies; James Dorrell, vice ...
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Moving at the Speed of the Mission With Data Fabric

Dec. 13, 2021
As the DoD presses forward with Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) programs and architectures the Air Force is working to stand up technology centers that will not only allow for the sharing of data but for the sharing of data in motion. Our warfighters ...
"Foreign adversaries increasingly are incorporating technological superiority into strategic planning to gain advantage over the U.S. While sometimes coming from true scientific advances and genuine research and development, for some adversaries reverse engineering, intellectual property theft, corporate espionage, and cyber intrusions constitute official state policy. ...
When it comes to sporting analogies, many strategists have urged U.S. cyber warriors to think more like a hockey team—with swift transitions between offensive and defensive plays—than a football team. But U.S. Cyber Command Deputy Commander Air Force Lt. Gen. Charles L. Moore Jr. argues ...