Heavy traffic getting onto bases have afflicted many military bases across the country before. But the end of remote work and telework for most federal employees, coupled with issues specific to different bases, means the problem is getting renewed attention across the Air Force.
Air Force Special Operations Command, headquartered at Hurlburt Field, Fla., is tackling grid stability issues through a self-funding $22.6 million Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) with Schneider Electric. The project is reported to save the Air Force $1.5 million annually during the 20-plus year contract.
The Air Force’s final MC-130H Combat Talon II made its last flight April 2, Air Force Special Operations Command announced. The last of the aircraft, Tail Number 89-0280, took off from Hurlburt Field, Fla., crewed by members of the 15th Special Operations Squadron and AFSOC ...
MacDill Air Force Base, Patrick Space Force Base, and other installations across Florida had begun recovering and reopening after Hurricane Ian swept through the state while Joint Base Charleston and other installations farther up the East Coast dealt with heavy rain and winds Sept. 30. ...